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PadovaFIT Expanded aims at creating and piloting a One-Stop-Shop dedicated to home renovation services in the city of Padova (Italy) and to expand the process to the city of Timişoara (Romania) and to the cities of Smolyan and Vidin (Bulgaria). The concept is based on existing experiences of similar One-Stop-Shops motivating and supporting homeowners (demand side) as well as stimulating the supply sides, both technically and financially, to invest in energy efficiency.
The role of public authorities is key for channelling private finance into energy efficiency investments. One‐Stop‐Shop solutions seem to have the highest potential to bring together all players involved in the renovation process, because of their holistic approach.
The project has been set up in order to give a response to the current state of play which shows, in fact, a fragmented demand and fragmented supply. Energy efficiency improvements do make sense economically and are already technically viable, but the main reason why homeowners do not invest at this moment ultimately lies in market failure. Demand-Supply aggregation combined with attractive financial solutions is the main challenge the One-Stop-Shop is about to face.
the identification of the enabling conditions and EU best practices that lead financially sustainable, integrated home renovation service schemes, based on public and/or private finance, supporting citizens to target ambitious energy savings,
the reduction of the information gap existing in the private residential energy refurbishment sector, increasing the awareness and trust of homeowners and tenants towards existing products, services and players on the market,
the improvement of standardized technical procedures in order to reduce costs and improve the quality of offer provided by trustful market operators,
the improvement of financing conditions for energy renovation investment plans offered by the One Stop Shop,
the development and implementation of a one-stop-shop providing home renovation integrated services to citizens in four pilot areas in three different countries,
the identification of solutions to remove legal, policy framework, financial, technical and organisational barriers limiting the implementation of effective and sustainable integrated home renovation services,
the increase of the capacity of public and private energy market stakeholders with a specific focus on integrated home renovation services.
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